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Int'l Real Estate project Course


A carefully selected group of MBA students at the Coller School of Management will participate in a six-day field trip to the Toronto (Canada) real estate market.

An Invaluable learning experience in one of the largest markets in North America

The Alrov Institute for Real Estate Research and the Canadian Friends of Tel Aviv University are happy to offer this unique learning experience including a field trip to one of the hottest spots of the global real estate market. In this course, students will get an opportunity to visit many of Canada’s most prominent real estate firms and meet and learn from their senior management.

Meet and learn from top executives

The six-day-field-trip itinerary includes academic and professional lectures, site tours, and business cases presented by firm founders, Chairmen, and CEOs in the areas of banking, brokerage, development, housing, offices, retail, REIT, real estate law, pension funds and more. A series of class meetings in Israel precedes the trip to Toronto. Upon returning to Israel from the field trip, students will be required to present and submit a course project.

Target audience and eligibility

The course is targeted for outstanding MBA, MSc, Sofaer, iMBA, and EMBA students at the Coller School of Management with an interest and/or background in real estate. Candidates must be fluent in English


Students Testimonials



Kol Kore
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